Why an IBCLC
Are you having probelms with:
- Low milk supply
- Nipple and breast pain
- Latch difficulties
- Poor weight gain
- Breastfeeding positioning
- Alternative feeding methods
- Pumping
- Oral restrictions
- Returning back to work
- Engorgment
- Plugged milk ducts
- Mastitis
- Food sensitivities
- Tandem nursing
- Functional assessment
- Food intolerances
- Navigating a tie release
- Getting baby back to breast
- Much more
IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. This credential is the gold standard of lactation care. Those that hold this credential have completed 90+ credit hours of lactation education, 300-1000 hands on training, and passed a rigorous board certification exam. IBCLC’s are required to complete 75+ continuing education hours in the field of lactation and re-test every 5 years to stay certified as an IBCLC. When receiving a consultation with an IBCLC you’re receiving evidence-based care by the highest trained personnel in the field of lactation.
Please consider a 1-1 consultation with Holly if you are experiencing any of these issues or are in need of support through your breastfeeding journey. Regardless of where you are on your journey, Holly is here to provide you with evidence-based care to fit the needs of you and your family.